Just Protect Water Resources

Here are 10 things you can do to help protect water resources of your community and region.*

Let’s ensure that we have enough water to meet the needs of today - and the generations to come.

Think about this - whatever you throw away, flush down the sink or empty out carelessly could end up in your drinking water.

Buy less or no plastic products, and support collecting and recycling efforts.

Don’t throw away cigarette butts – only one of those could poison up to 100 liters of drinking water.
If your community has a service that takes care of chemical waste, use it. If not, demand it.
Choose non-toxic household products whenever possible. The best way to keep from polluting is to use products that are not dangerous to the environment in the first place.
Never flush medical products down the sink or toilet. Those can pass through the water treatment systems, enter rivers and lakes and may flow downstream, polluting drinking water supplies. When in doubt where to dispose them, ask your local pharmacy.
If you have a garden, avoid using pesticides or chemical fertilizers. They pollute both ground and surface water.

Please pave as little of your property as humanly possible. Allowing water to soak into the ground can prevent flooding, recharge groundwater supplies, and dilute contaminants. 


Monitor your car: If it drips oil, brake fluid, coolant or fuel, get it fixed immediately. For your own personal safety – and that of the environment.

If your property has a septic tank system, care for its proper maintenance. This is important, because malfunctioning household wastewater septic systems can release bacteria, viruses, and chemicals to local aquifers and waterways, endangering drinking water and the environment in general.

* SOURCES – epa.gov, wdhopperwaterwells.com, nrdc.org
